he got (himself) in with the wrong crowd 意味

  • 悪い仲間と交わった


        go with a wrong crowd:    悪い仲間ができる
        if someone thinks he is wrong:    もし(人)が自分{じぶん}が間違っていると思うなら
        person who admits that he is wrong:    自分{じぶん}が悪い[間違っている]と認める人
        remind someone that he's got the meeting starting shortly:    (人)に会議{かいぎ}が間もなく始まることを伝える
        have got out of bed on the wrong side:    朝から機嫌が悪い
        have got out on the wrong side of the bed:    朝から機嫌が悪い
        rescue someone before he loses himself to booze and bad company:    (人)が酒におぼれたり悪い仲間{なかま}とつき合ったりしないうちに救い出す
        himself:    himself 御自身 ご自身 ごじしん
        got:     GOT {略-1} : glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase グルタミン酸オキザロ酢酸{さくさん}トランスアミナーゼ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : glutamic-oxaloacetic t
        a crowd:    a crowd 一群れ ひとむれ 一叢 ひとむら 一群 いちぐん
        crowd:     1crowd n. 群衆, 大勢; 民衆; 多数; 《口語》 仲間; 聴衆. 【動詞+】 attract enormous crowds おびただしい群衆を引きつける avoid crowds 人込みを避ける break up a crowd of demonstrators デモ隊の群れを追い散らす sights that invariab
        crowd in:     crówd ín [他] (1) 〈人?物?事〉を何とか予定に入れる,割り込ませる. (2) ?|他|2 . (3) 〈問題?考えが〉〔人〕に次々にわく,どっと押し寄せる〔on〕 Pleasant memories ~ed in on me. 楽しい思い出がどっとよみがえってきた.
        crowd in on:    (心に)どっと浮かんでくる When she saw the picture, unpleasant memories crowded in [upon] on her. その写真を見ると、彼女の心に嫌な思い出がどっと押し寄せてきた。
        crowd into:    ~に大勢で入り込む、~に押し込む、~に押し掛ける、~に押し寄せる、~にどやどやと入る、~の中に無理に組み込む、~に詰め込む
        crowd of:    《a ~》~の一団{いちだん}


  1. "he goes around with the college crowd" 意味
  2. "he goes by a different appellation at home" 意味
  3. "he goes in for whatever is in vogue" 意味
  4. "he goes to chapel regularly" 意味
  5. "he gorged himself like a pig" 意味
  6. "he got (his father's) leave to study for a degree in literature" 意味
  7. "he got 25 years for robbery" 意味
  8. "he got a bad jolt from the cable" 意味
  9. "he got a bust on the head" 意味
  10. "he goes to chapel regularly" 意味
  11. "he gorged himself like a pig" 意味
  12. "he got (his father's) leave to study for a degree in literature" 意味
  13. "he got 25 years for robbery" 意味

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